Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More than a New Year!

Wow... 2010.  How did that happen?  Seems like Y2K wasn't that long ago & yet, numbers don't lie... 10 years & now we are into a new decade as well.  I wrote my first check & it was weird not writing 0-something, so much so that I almost wrote 010!  I've never been much of a New Year's resolutions person... but for some reason this year I feel like I really need to challenge myself to do more than 'try'.  We all have room for improvement on things so I'm sure most of us could easily make a list of MANY things that could use attention in the coming year.  I tend to eat fairly healthy, get exercise & get in good quality family time, so although I need to keep at those things, they really don't count as resolutions on my list.  I'm not sure if it is age getting to me or the fact that I look at my kids, who are now 6 & 3.5 but lately I feel the time with them just going in fast forward & I'm really struck with the fact that time is fleeting.  Maybe this year, that is why I'm feeling the need to do more than 'try'... but to really make a resolution about being the best mom to them that I can be.  I have to admit, most days I think I fall horribly short of that.  I'm a good mom & certainly I can find plenty of ways in which I do well, but I have found as they get older, it is has actually gotten harder.  As babies, I felt it was simple... they need food, sleep, a clean diaper, a little play time & to be cuddled... pretty easy!  It is harder the older they get as the needs become more subtle... & although they do so much for themselves they somehow manage to thoroughly exhaust me by the end of the day.  I still know that I am capable of so much more & that certainly they deserve all that I have to offer.  So for 2010, I am resolving to find ways to feel that I'm better than just good to them.  On the top of my list is patience, patience, PATIENCE... I need to find some reservoir of patience that dwells somewhere within me or figure out where I can beg, borrow or steal it!!   Generally it is more patience with myself that translates into more patience for them but it is also just outright patience with them.  I have to say that this is something that surprised me a bit as patience isn't something I thought I would struggle with, so I haven't quite figured out how to remedy this yet... but I'm a problem solver at heart, so the trial & error begins!  In the meantime, I'll focus on the little ways I can be a better mom that hopefully together will bridge some of that gap while I work on my patience problem!

My other big resolution this year is to try & find some ways to expand myself as a cook.  I have always enjoyed cooking & since having kids, I don't feel like I've been inspired to nurture that creative outlet... so hopefully if I can find more patience with my kids, I'll also find more energy for being creative in the kitchen!

I hope the year has started out well for all... and I've got a Christmas post in the works, so stay tuned for that.
Cheers & Happy New Year!!

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