We found a park to take a break at... lucky for Brandon they had basketballs to play with while Melanie zeroed in on the monkey bars!
My two favorite things about being a Mom... Thing 2 & Thing 1!
It was a great way to spend Mother's Day!! We stopped in Lanesboro after biking for a fun meal on the patio of a local restaurant... yay for not having to cook & they were giving moms a free drink or a free dessert! I chose a nice glass of vino!
Every spring, the music teacher at school puts together a music presentation for grades 1-4. She is a very talented teacher who introduces them to all types of music, rythm, instruments & such. She put together a nice program this year of music from around the world. Brandon is always humming & singing songs from school & he's not normally the one who goes around our house singing.
She gave them quite a few movements this year too. (Brandon is in the blue/green striped shirt in the back row.)
It was an enjoyable program! Brandon & all the kids did a great job!The same weekend was the big dance recital for Melanie. It is fun to see the girls get so excited about it!!
Hana, Melanie & Elena
Melanie loved this costume for her ballet for Somewhere Over the Rainbow (the Hawaiian version)...
Some of the girls waiting to go backstage
Melanie & some friends in the black box waiting around... fun abounds!
Hana & Melanie
My little ballerina! (who is starting to look not quite so little anymore)
The ballerinas waiting for their turn to twirl!
It is fun to watch the dancers... from little to big... & fun to see the ones who have a passion for it!
We were so proud of our little dancer!!
Next up... Melanie's big 6th birthday!
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