After saying goodbye to Chris & Teresa, we started our journey west. On our way to Yellowstone, we made a stop at Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho, the site of old volcanic activity with old lava flows, craters, lava tubes, etc.
Brandon by a couple splatter cones
Through the lava tube we go!
Melanie & I stopped for a little rest inside a lava tube that we hiked through. The kids really liked the area & had fun exploring. It is definitely worth a couple hour stop-over if you ever find yourself in the area!
After leaving Craters of the Moon, we had a few more hours to Yellowstone. We got there by evening, got camp set up & were ready to head out exploring the next morning.
Our first stop was a sulphur spring... the kids plugged their noses the whole time!
It was drizzly on & off, but that didn't keep us from exploring the Artist Paint Pots area! There were lots of cools springs & bubbling mud pots.
We took another walk around the Norris Geyser basin since the clouds finally cleared...
(Kids by the Liberty Cap)
We continued our walk around the Upper Geyser Basin (starting & Old Faithful) & also got to see Riverside Geyser (above & to the right) erupting.

After a stop at the ranger station to ask for advice on a good hike for our limited time, we headed to Jenny Lake to take the ferry across & do a nice hike. I remembered doing the same thing when I was a kid!
The kids worked hard on their ranger book for Tetons as they really wanted their badge. 1 of the requirements for it was to go to a ranger talk... not easy to do if you are there for <1 day. We did find one at the end of the day that we were able to take in... it was a critter creature talk on river otters. It was interesting & they got their ranger badge.

On our way back, we stopped to gather some firewood. Kids love helping out & with wood running $7 a small bundle, it is a quick & easy activity that allows us to not have to conserve wood because we like big fires!
Our big wooly buddy we passed along the way. Maybe because it was fall, but we didn't as many animals as I recalled from trips of long ago... but we were usually there in early summer.
The next day we headed to Old Faithful area but first we stopped at the Lower Geyser Basin to walk around & got to catch Fountain Geyser erupting.
After a few other stops, we made it to the Old Faithful area & were taking in a ranger talk waiting for Old Faithful's next eruption when the ranger let us know that Beehive was about to erupt... it is not predictable & is much taller, so we scurried over to catch since we knew we'd be able to catch Old Faithful later.
Beehive erupting
As a kid, Morning Glory was my favorite pool... it is sad to see how faded it has become over the years due in part to all the garbage people threw into it over the years.
The kids did a lot of walking & had fun looking at all the different pools & geysers.
There was a breeze with this geyser, so Mike was getting a cool mist while standing there!
We finished our walk just in time to catch the last eruption of Old Faithful before they shut it off for the night. ;-)
As we made our way back to camp before dark, we made one last stop at Biscuit Basin. The light was fading, so the colors of the pools were hard to see.
For a change of scenery, we decided to head to the Grand Tetons for a day... it was only a 1.5 hour drive, so why not!?!
Just getting into Grand Tetons Nat'l Park... nice view!
After a stop at the ranger station to ask for advice on a good hike for our limited time, we headed to Jenny Lake to take the ferry across & do a nice hike. I remembered doing the same thing when I was a kid!
We went the opposite way of everyone else getting off the boat, plus we wanted a longer hike so we headed up Cascade Canyon.
It was a gorgeous day & a good hike... & a nice change of scenery from Yellowstone.
We found a nice spot to cool our feet & hang out before turning back & heading towards Inspiration Point & Hidden Falls... the area where everyone else went straight from the boat. Melanie did a little wading while Mike & Brandon skipped rocks.
A nice view of Jenny Lake from Inspiration Point
Hidden Falls
As we left the falls & headed for the dock, we got to see a mama bear with her cub trying to cross the stream. There were quite a few of us on the trail, so she was a little wary of all the people & quickly turned & scampered back up the hill. The kids thought it was really neat to see them. We ended up doing about 6.5 miles on our hike... kids did great once again!
Our added bonus was getting to see this big bull moose as we were leaving the area where our talk was... we had been looking for moose earlier, so that was cool!
On our last day, we took in the canyon to check out the falls.
We took in several of the hikes, so we could see some of the different vantage points of the falls.. very nice! After we finished the canyon, we slowly mad our way out of Yellowstone & started our trek east for home. We were staying in Greybull, WY for the night... so we got in about 8.
At our KOA (yes, another kamper kabin for the kids), they tipped us off on a nearby site to see... Dinosaur Tracksite. So the next morning, we made the very slight detour to check it out... well worth it! It is an area where there are actual dinoaur tracks that were captured in the mud.
Walking with the dinosaurs...
the tracks are to be of something similar to a velociraptor...
There was a "wall" next to the area that had layers in it, one of which had tons of "sea" fossils in it. The volunteer lady told us we could dig a few out... they are called "Devil's toenails" & are the fossil of a prehistoric oyster of sorts. The kids thought that was really cool... one of the best stops we made!
And with that, our journey ended... we drove the next day & a half to get home. Over 5400 miles in all & over 100 hours in the car... it was a fabulous trip!
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